Thursday, April 8, 2010

Korean Culture Class (한국 문화 체험)

It been more than a month since i updated.
So sorry to Jnel and Max and everyone else of course.
My life since i landed in Korea had been a busy one is just getting busier!
Who ever said learning language is a piece of cake =.=.....
I join a Korean Culture class. It is an after class activity where you have to pay like 30,000 won for 10 hours of the class. Approx 4-5 classes.
This blog entry is my 2nd class of what i paid for....
It was fun~ cause we 'celebrated' new year on April!
We wore Hanbok which is korean traditional clothes and made Rica cake and Dumpling soup and of course we played Yut (a korean traditional game) which is awesome!!!! >.<~

My whole class. Only 7 of us who joined this class plus one teacher.
She's hidden behind a guy... >.>
can you find her???

Then everyone did the Korean Traditional bow that youngsters do
every new year.
Boys only had to do ne bow while the girls 3 different bow!
And each bow has a different style!

There was lots of shouting and throwing going on >.<~
My team won and we escaped the cleaning punishment huhuhu~

Lasty we cooked!
Kitchen was small but it was good~
At first i thought it would be a disaster
but in the end the food tasted good~!!!
and we eat till we drop.

See what we made and eat~
It was good~
And it looks good too right?????

Can't wait for next week!
We're making kimchi~!!!

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