Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Liberated self >.<

How do i say it?
i have reach the next level of my life~

How do i explain it?
its another stage of my life ^^

How do i express myself?
An unending happiness!!!!

I am really feeling great now~
not to say anything but somehow i truly feel God' love in me.

The experience that i get during my seven days in Korea was so amazing!
When people say that they feel liberated when you go to Cheong Pyeong, oh you better believe it!
Because i FEEL liberated!
Not that i have any problems...
But i feel so much lighter...

Some more being able to meet TP 3 times...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


title to emo???
well yea cuz i am.

cause i've been typing for 24 hours non stop and i am STILL not done yet!

cause tomorrow i gotta post the stuff or else my salary is gone.

NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!